Cognitive Apprenticeship from OPSC and School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology
In recent years, OPSC has been offering the cognitive apprenticeship program with School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST). The aim is to enhance environmental awareness in higher education, making it a critical link in environmental education. Incepted in 2017, the program marked its 5th year in 2021. OPSC became the official base of the internship program for students in School of Resources and Environmental Engineering at ECUST in 2018, providing the annual cognitive apprenticeship for students in their junior year.
During the program, OPSC staff presented the corporate operation and plant facilities to the students and faculties. Safety and Environment Department explained the production operation of Far Eastern Group and OPSC. Technology Department presented the overview of the wastewater treatment and water reclamation facilities; wastewater treatment process; inflow water quality control; effluent standards; central control management. Utility Department led the faculty and student members on a tour through the wastewater treatment facilities, including the equalization tank, anaerobic tank, sedimentation tank, aerobic tank, sludge drying system, water reclamation system, including the ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and flotation techniques. OPSC staff used laymen’s terms to explain the technical aspects of wastewater treatment at the plant to 90 students, who witnessed how theories were put into practice and gained first-hand knowledge on wastewater treatment. The experience inspired them to contribute to environmental protection in the future!