Climate-related Risk Strategies
FENC evaluates the risks and opportunities brought by climate change and responds with concrete strategies. The Company implements a broad range of projects aiming to avoid GHG emissions. By forging alliances with its global partners, the Company strives to mitigate global warming. Disclosures on GHG management performance include emissions; reduction targets and progress; renewable energy use and implementation; carbon trading; regulatory compliance.
The company is formulating relevant management methods and effectiveness assessment mechanisms to respond to climate change.
- Conduct regular evaluation of climate-related financial impacts.
- Establish GHG reduction targets, formulate strategies and track project performance.
- Continue to expand the scope and category of GHG inventory.
- Obtain verification in accordance with ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory standard.
- Introduce innovative low-carbon production facility.
- Replace fossil fuels with low-carbon alternatives.
- Increase the use of renewable energy.
- Research and develop green products.
Simultaneously, relevant responsible units will be designated to oversee the completion of related tasks, including:
- Energy Task Force
- All production sites