Building Solidarity with Managers Summit at APG Polytech

FENC expanded its business territory into the U.S. in 2018. The Company currently owns two U.S. locations in two different states. One is a business entity and the other is an R&D facility. To help the staff from these two locations familiarize themselves with each other, APG Polytech held an annual managers summit, inviting managers and their families to enjoy the team-building experience.
To build a management team with excellence and efficiency, the Company must be prepared to keep leaping forward amid a market filled with uncertainties and challenges. With this mindset, APG Polytech held several seminars for executive managers to examine past performance and future prospect. As the entire FENC works towards a common goal, a spectacular future will materialize.
FENC values work-life balance. Hence, APG Polytech selected a holiday resort that offers recreational options and scenic views as the venue for the summit. The occasion is a demonstration to the employees that their dedication is greatly appreciated, and to the family members that their loved ones are highly valued, which supports and encourages the managers to continue their contribution.