New Heat Recovery Boiler Plant at OGM

OGM produces rPET from waste PET bottles. However, the non-PET parts such as bottle caps and plastic films are left out of this recycling and reuse cycle. After meeting with the production units and discussing the standards, OGM made gradual improvements on the equipment and provided classification training. The plant forms partnerships with suppliers on recycling and reuse, turning non-PET waste into refuse derived fuel (RDF).OGM invested NT$180 million in the treatment of the sludge and waste labels the plant generated. At the end of 2022, OGM constructed the heat recovery boiler plant and began incinerating 450 metric tons of waste labels as well as 140 metric tons of sludge a month. The heat generated during incineration took the place of the natural gas boiler as an alternative energy source. In addition to reducing waste treatment fees, another benefit is that the recovered heat produces steam that can power the plant facilities. In 2022, 4,000 metric tons of non-PET waste were recycled, saving approximately NT$28 million in waste disposal fees and avoiding 1,464 tCO2e in carbon emissions. In the pipeline for 2023 is the installation of rooftop solar panels with 273kW in capacity, which brings the total installed capacity of solar power to 764kW, taking OGM closer to net zero.
OGM is the first waste recycling plant in Taiwan to install its own solar power facility. By 2025, the plant will reach 1,700kW in installed capacity for renewable energy. On November 16, 2022, OGM received the High Distinction Award for Subsidized Entities as well as the Resource Recycling Label from the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan!