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Sustainability Report Download


Sustainable Governance

Sustainable Governance

Corporate sustainability is built upon robust governance. FENC pursues sustainable governance to create sustainable prosperity


Sustainable Management

To fulfill corporate responsibility and ensure the rights of shareholders and stakeholders, FENC regards integrity as its highest operating principle to secure sound governance, optimize corporate management and maximize shareholder interests.

Corruption and unethical conducts are detrimental to corporate reputation and stakeholder rights. To minimize the risk of corrupt conducts, FENC established an integrity and anti-corruption system with annual implementation of special projects.-

Integrity and Anti-Corruption System

Highest Guiding Principle


Code of Conduct

Best Practice Principles of Ethical Corporation Management and Code of Ethics approved by the Board


  1. Conflict of interest stipulated in the Rules of Procedure for Board of Directors – Donations from stakeholders or major donations to non-stakeholders: Rules of Procedure for Board of Directors stipulates that such conduct shall be reported to the Board
  2. The whistle-blowing and disciplinary method of violating ethical conduct and ethical management
  3. Provisions of anti-money laundering measures under Control System on Preventing Economic Sanction from Financing of Terrorism
  4. Remuneration system
  5. Internal control system and provisions governing its implementation, including management policy, authorization system and segregation of duties
  6. Anti-bribery clauses included in procurement contracts to strictly forbid the acceptance of kickbacks, handling charges or financial gains in any form


Corrupt conducts subject to FENC anti-corruption policy include unlawful conducts that cause embezzlement of corporate assets or infringement of shareholder rights, such as corruption, money laundering, bribery, kickback, commission, facilitating payment, illegal political donation, inappropriate charitable donation, unreasonable presents, improper conduct and unfair trade.

Audit System

  1. Integrity and anti-corruption practice are listed under mandatory audit in the internal audit system.
  2. Self Evaluation on Corporate Corruption is conducted quarterly based on the scope of anti-corruption policy. The result is presented to the Board for review to ensure the implementation of the anti-corruption policy.
  3. FENC shall conduct investigation in the presence of the likelihood that suppliers and subcontractors, including agents and trade companies, violate integrity practice. Once verified, said company will be removed from FENC’s list of eligible suppliers.

Training and Promotion

  1. A minimum of one anti-corruption training for Board members and all employees to promote the scope of FENC anti-corruption policy and possible effects at the individual and corporate levels.
  2. Prior to being included in FENC’s list of eligible suppliers or engaging in business transaction with FENC, suppliers and subcontractors, including agents and trade companies, must undergo anti-corruption training or education.
  3. Internal publication, meetings, signage at the plants.
2023 Implementation
  1. FENC revised the Whistle-blowing and Disciplinary Method of Violating Ethical Conduct and Ethical Management, adding provisions on submitting investigation reports based on the position of the reported individual and protection measures for whistleblowers to strengthen ethical management and protection.
  2. Quarterly compliance audits were conducted at all FENC sites, including the completion of self-assessment forms and on-site audits, to ensure a full understanding of FENC’s ethical corporate management and anti-corruption policies across all production and operation sites.
2023 Results
  1. There were no incidences of corrupt conducts at FENC.
  2. Report the implementation of ethical management to the Board to fulfill FENC’s vision as a corporation with integrity. Reported subjects include online self-evaluation on regulatory compliance; training outcomes; subjecting non-permanent employees to the anti-corruption policy to fulfill this corporate philosophy.
  3. All Board members completed the anti-corruption training, representing 100% in completion.
  4. Reach 100% coverage in anti-corruption training among all FENC employees.
  5. All new recruits in 2023 signed the declarations to commit to FENC’s Best Practice Principles of Ethical Corporation Management and Code of Ethics, representing 100% in completion.
  6. Provide anti-corruption promotion to 6,569 suppliers and contractors, including agents and traders, which represents 94% coverage.


Articles of Incorporation
Corporate Governance Principles
Best Practice Principles of Ethical Corporation Management
Code of Ethics
The Whistle-Blowing and Disciplinary Method of Violating Ethical Conduct and Ethical Management
Legal Compliance Execution Report (Chinese)

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