Recognition for Excellence in GHG Reduction at Hsinpu Chemical Fiber Plant

To encourage carbon reduction among industries, the Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) gives public recognitions to entities for exemplary practices each year. On November 23, 2022, Hsinpu Chemical Fiber Plant was recognized by the Bureau for excellence in GHG reduction.
Hsinpu Chemical Fiber Plant has devoted considerable efforts in carbon reduction with projects ranging from improvements on equipment efficiency, adoption of fuel alternatives and installation of solar power equipment. The plant incorporated the ISO 50001 energy management system and completed 54 carbon reduction projects in 2021, which amounted to NT$28 million in investments and 6,728tCO2e in annual GHG reduction. By 2025, the plant will complete the construction of solar power facilities with 5,000kW of installed capacity. With NT$170 million in total investments, the project will help the plant avoid 6,250tCO2e in GHG emissions a year. The recognition is a vote of confidence from the government to Hsinpu Chemical Fiber Plant for its long-term dedication to reducing GHG emissions.