Achieving 100% Waste Recycling and Reusing

The year 2022 was a year of zero waste to landfill and zero incineration for FENV. All of its production waste was recycled by qualified waste treatment companies. This achievement is accomplished by turning recycled scrap fabrics into rags and cotton cloths; embossed paper, colored nylon, plastic spools and elastic bands into plastic particles; paper tubes and cardboard boxes into recycled paper. FENV has made 100% production waste recycling and reuse a reality.
FEAV partners with brand customers to reduce production waste, setting reduction targets and implementation measures for 2025. In 2022, the plant accomplished 100% recycling and reuse and set new waste reduction targets for domestic waste. The plant stepped up the promotion on avoidance, encouraging staff to dine in the canteen and avoid disposable food containers for takeouts. Waste classification is implemented and waste from the contractors, canteen and concession stand must be 100% recycled.