Observation Tour for Production Health and Safety Management in Petrochemical Industry, Taoyuan City
OPTC values environmental health and safety. The company ensures the safety of employees and contractors at work by promoting various occupational health and safety measures. Taoyuan City Government is aware of such performance and thus invited OPTC to conduct Observation Tour for Production Health and Safety Management in Petrochemical Industry for the North Division in June 2019. The city government also sent staff to facilitate the process to accommodate guests from external organizations. The city staff joined the rehearsal as well and held over 10 meetings with OPTC to ensure the success of the observation tour.
Eighty-five guests from the public and private sectors attended this event. We invited them to participate in a few drills testing actual facilities, including inspections on hot work and electrical engineering; emergency response; operational procedure for confined space. We also shared experiences on ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety System. The attendees and Office of Labor Inspection, Taoyuan City Government expressed appreciation and recognition for this event. The City presented OPTC with a trophy for dedicating to protecting health, safety and the common good, which further enhances the company reputation.