Winning TTQS Silver Medal with Continuous High Quality Training
Talent Quality-management System (TTQS) is developed by Workforce Development Agency under Ministry of Labor, Executive Yuan. It sets one of the highest industry standards for the planning and implementation of training programs in Taiwan. FENC launched TTQS in 2009. Since then, the Company has been recognized for the consistent improvement in training process and quality. In 2019, the Company received another Silver Medal. Standards for the certification is quite high and only 5-7% of the companies that applied receive the Silver Medal certification. Obtaining this certification is an exemplification of the Company’s commitment to quality training.
To embrace the TTQS spirit, the entire staff at Human Resources Development Center is TTQS certified. Prior to undergoing the evaluation, the Company hired consultants to provide coaching and reviewed the training quality. We comply with all evaluation indicators with constant improvements. In the future, we will continue to ensure the sufficiency of training, and survey staff’s training needs from time to time. We will also support corporate development and talent programs to achieve sustainability.