2020 Achievements in Occupational Safety and Health

1. Safety and Health Award
In 2017, Kuanyin Chemical Fiber Plant established Kuansin E Family to help staff identify occupational safety and health issues and make improvements. In 2020, the program has provided 77 recommendations, and 70 of which (90.9%) have been implemented. The Department of Labor of Taoyuan City Government invited Kuanyin Chemical Fiber Plant to take part in Observation of Core Members in Safety and Health Family and the 10 year celebration. During the event, representatives shared the plant’s role in ensuring safety and health as well as how to interact with the government and external agencies. Hung-Guo Wu, the director-general of the Department of Labor, Taoyuan City Government presented Safety and Health Contribution Award to Kuanyin Chemical Fiber Plant as a token of appreciation for our contribution to safety and health management.
2. FENC selected as key official of TOSHMS Association Northern Branch by Safety and Health Administration.
Since 2013, FENC has been serving as a key official of the northern branch of TOSHMS under Occupational Safety and Health Administration for four consecutive terms. In 2020, FENC was chosen as a committee member for the Technology Promotion Team to help Occupational Safety and Health Administration edit safety and health technical manuals and promotional materials and provide references for the industry peers.
3. Zero Lost Hours due to Occupational Disasters
In terms of occupational safety and health, FENC aims for “zero occupational disasters”. We value the safety and health of each and every employee, and enhance it by raising their awareness and knowledge. We conduct risk assessment and identification; prepare promotional campaigns and public notice; hold pre-construction and toolbox meetings; designate safety and health month and programs and activities. FEFC inaugurated in April 1997. In the following 23 years, FEFC maintained zero lost days due to disabilities caused by occupational injuries. This record is verified with certification issued by Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Association. As of November 2020, FENC has accumulated 9 million safe work hours. FENC also participated in the Zero Accident campaign held by Industrial Safety and Health Association of the R.O.C. and was certified for this impressive.
4. Civil Defense Training
The civil defense system provides an effective way to help private citizens to defend and safeguard their lives and properties. In 2020, Hsinpu Chemical Fiber Plant received First Place in the Distinction for Company and Plant Defense from Hsinchu County Government; Hukou Mill received Third Place.
5. FEAV Winning First Place Recognition for Protecting Corporate and Employee Safety as a Foreign-invested Enterprise for the Third Consecutive Years.
FEAV formed Pioneering Workers Team with 60 selected members. The mission of this team is to improve workplace safety, ensure employee safety and health, as well as building a happy workplace. The first project is to improve work environment. This project allows employees to voice their suggestions for improvements to this team directly as a way for employees to contribute to corporate development while enhancing professionalism. The team also conducts various labor relations activities as well as safety training and promotion to increase employee awareness and satisfaction, which will strengthen the team spirit and work efficiency.
In 2020, Bình Dương Province Provincial Police Department conducts prelminary evaluation, followed by second evaluation by the Recognition Committee based on the following 5 indicators:
(1) Corporate leaders must systematically protect corporate and employee safety and order with corporate regulations and initiate firefighting projects to prevent fire.
(2) Implement governmental measures on collaborating with local policy authorities to protect the safety and order of corporate assets.
(3) No occurrences of work stoppage, strike, theft, fire, major occupational accident, illegal conduct by employees, vice or crime.
(4) Establish in-house professional security team without any misconducts that violates corporate regulations among the security staff.
(5) Over 70% of the employees received A in annual performance review.
FEAV won the first place recognition for the third consecutive time, which is awarded by Bình Dương Provincial People’s Committee. FEAV has established itself as a reputable enterprise in Vietnam and will attract more talents to join this big happy family.