Smart Green Plant

To maintain a competitive edge, ensure environmental sustainability and improve workplace condition, FEAV has built a smart green plant. The plant was certified with LEED Silver by U.S. Green Building Council in October 2019, and production had begun in January 2020. It is the first apparel manufacturing plant built by Taiwanese enterprise in Vietnam that incorporates smart and green design. The factory utilizes renewable energy extensively with 2,800 square meters of rooftop solar panels, generating 40kW of monthly output that powers approximately 23% of the energy needed for 72 production lines.
The green design incorporated in this plant includes wet curtain walls controlled by centralized smart management system. Sensors are used to monitor the indoor temperature and humidity, and keep them at an ideal level. The building design adopts arcological concepts and green building materials; the roof garden helps mitigate heat island effects by reducing the temperature by 3oC to 10oC; rainwater and wastewater recycling rate is as high as 91%; drought-resistant plants are used in the landscape; automatic sprinkler system is designed to conserve water and restore the natural habitat.
The smart design concepts incorporated also include IoT with visualized data monitored in real time; smart logistics, which utilizes smart warehousing system to store and pick up the materials with speed and agility, and deliver the packaging materials directly to the work station; smart manufacturing, which involves 3D pattern-making, semi-automatic scheduling and productive recording system. Overall, the system saves NT$ 5.91 million in annual costs.