Suzhou Innovation, Agility and Reformation Project

COVID-19 forced nations around the world to place strict restrictions on international travel. To continue with corporate innovation and development amid the distancing requirements, the 2020 Far Eastern Convention is held simultaneously in Suzhou through teleconferencing. Suzhou Human Resources Department was in charge of the training program during the convention. The theme for 2020 is “Breakthrough with Action, Winning over New Norm”, and the training exercise focused on building agility and making breakthroughs. The program received high remarks with 97% satisfaction from 120 participants.
This exercise was led by 4 consultants from the century-old Carnegie Corporation and 7 senior executives, who also served on of the judging panel. Staff is divided into 4 teams to compete on their plans to boost agility, innovation, reform and transformation. The judges selected the first and second place winners who received trophies and prize money as encouragement for their helping all attending managers ride the wave of transformation and breakthrough with new norm. The managers were asked to bring the fruit of their labor back to the units, and to follow up with action plans that will lead Far Eastern into a new era.