Occupational Safety Enhancement and Innovation Program at Hsinpu Chemical Fiber Plant

Since 2020, Hsinpu Chemical Fiber Plant has been upgrading occupational safety management through a special program, which spans from the modification of occupational safety and health organizations, inspection projects, rewards and penalties to the development of a safe and healthy culture. Projects implemented in 2023 are as follows:
1. Offer rewards for achieving zero occupational accidents
As an encouragement for ensuring workplace safety and health and achieving zero occupational accidents, rewards are given to units for every 100,000 hours accumulated without occupational accidents, effective in January 2021.
2. Enhance hot work audits
Having been reinforced since 2020, the hot work audits and coaching are delivering noticeable results, and the number of deficiencies has been declining since 2021. In 2023, the monthly audits were increased from 60 to 86 times.
Hot Work Deficiency Cases Identified between 2019 and 2023
3. Conduct occupational safety and health audits and coaching targeting high-risk areas
Hsinpu Chemical Fiber Plant was removed from the watchlist for high-occupational-disaster and high-risk plants. To maintain the intensity and frequency of audits in addition to those for occupational safety and health, the Headquarters and the plant created an audit team to conduct joint audits. A priority audit checklist targeting the high-risk areas is compiled monthly. Twelve audits in total in 2023.
Project Performance:
Throughout the project implementation in 2023, seven site inspections were conducted by external occupational safety centers. The plant did not receive any citations for fines resulting from non-compliant facilities.