Open House and Reading for Happiness

To alleviate concerns from local residents over the production site, OPSC and FEIS joined hands and held an open house on January 15th, 2019. The residents of Xinghuo District, Environmental Protection Bureau and suppliers in Shanghai were invited for a tour of the plant. Thirty-two participants were guided through the plant, getting first-hand opportunity to witness the high standards applied toward the management of work environment as well as occupational health and safety. During the tour, representatives discussed improvements made to address grievance claims and projects to upgrade environmental equipment. The participants also observed the firefighting drill.
Collaborating with the local government and residents, OPSC co-organized “Reading for Happiness” on May 31st in Shanghai. OPSC donated books to and prepared hands-on programs for local residents. Participants completed a children’s painting titled “Protecting Earth”. During the event, children and adult residents played a little game to classify the domestic waste.
In the past, communication with local residents were often conducted through phone conversations. These two campaigns are a major breakthrough. In addition to inviting local residents to visit the plant, staff also visited local residents as friends and neighbors, demonstrating their passion for contributing to the common good, and determination for the pursuit of safety, security as well as environmental protection.