
Sustainability Report DownloadSustainability Report Download
Sustainability Report Download


Sustainable Governance

Sustainable Governance

Corporate sustainability is built upon robust governance. FENC pursues sustainable governance to create sustainable prosperity


Organization Framework of Sustainable Governance

FENC stays current on sustainability issues and makes policy adjustments accordingly, with related affairs carried out through Sustainability Implementation Committee.

FENC established the Sustainability Implementation Committee in 2014 to facilitate corporate sustainable development. The President of Corporate Management serves as the convener. Specific tasks for the Sustainability Implementation Committee are as follows:

  • Compilation and disclosure of sustainability data.
  • Planning and implementation of sustainability projects.
  • Compilation and submission of sustainability data for external verification.

The Sustainability Implementation Committee consists of 192members in 2023. The committee structure parallels the corporate structure. Among the members are Presidents and Chief Operating Officers from all Businesses, departmental managers at FENC operation sites worldwide and the 3 designated members of the Sustainability Team under Corporate Staff Office.

Structure of Sustainability Governance


Disclosure of Sustainability Data

The annual sustainability performance disclosed in this report is first presented by the Sustainability Implementation Committee, which is then verified, analyzed and consolidated by the Sustainability Team at the Corporate Staff Office. The report is finalized and published after receiving third-party verification and approval from the President of Corporate Management. For the 2023 Sustainability Report, submissions for approval were made by the Sustainability Committee and the Board of Directors on April 11 and May 9, 2024.

To bolster the Sustainability Report publication and verification mechanism, FENC established Operational Procedures for the Preparation and Verification of the Sustainability Report in 2022 based on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Preparation and Filing of Sustainability Reports by TWSE Listed Companies. The operational procedures were incorporated into the internal control system and implementation began after Board approval.

To facilitate data collection, digitization and preservation, FENC introduced the ESG Portal in 2022. The forms, which used to be delivered through emails, are now digitized, allowing employees to complete, submit and review the forms on the portal, which also sends out reminders for overdue documents to improve overall operational efficiency. Online access for all forms became available in 2023, and the scope was expanded to include data collection for GHG inventory and the TCFD Report. Currently, more than 5,000 forms can be completed on the ESG Portal, which enhances the preparation efficiency as well as data accuracy and integrity of the FENC Sustainability Report.

Sustainability Report Preparation Process


Profile and Duty of Sustainability Implementation Committee

UnitsCorporate Sustainability Duties


Communicate and maintain amiable relationship with customers; improve product quality through customer feedbacks (such as customer satisfaction survey).


Ensure product quality meets customers' expectation; apply green and recycled manufacturing process; implement environmentally friendly project, improve efficiency of energy, resources and material; take preventive measure on pollution.

R&D Center

Continued development on product and technology of green and recycled materials, high functional materials and smart materials; increase competitiveness of company products; promote a green, energy-saving, recycled and sustainable development.

Labor Safety & Health Dept.

In charge of regulation formulation, coordination and supervision of employee safety and health related issues at all manufacturing sites.

Human Resources Dept. / Learning & Development Center

In charge of employees' recruitment, salary, performance appraisal and education training. Formulating company regulations on human rights, child labor, ethical behavior and integral operation. Maintain harmonious relationship and smooth communication between employers and employees.

Purchasing Dept. / Raw Material Team

Ensure suppliers are in compliance with regulations on environment, labor, human rights and social norms. Suppliers are asked to sign commitment on social responsibility to carry out sustainable supply chain management. Stabilize raw material supply and minimize the risk of price fluctuation. 

Energy Task Force

Conduct meetings regularly to review energy usage on all manufacturing sites. Formulate energy saving policy and continuously follow up on performance of energy saving projects, greenhouse gas, water resources, wastes and air pollution. Hold meetings on energy saving, locate opportunities to improve and introduce energy saving technology and optimize energy efficiency on all manufacturing sites.

Accounting /
Finance Dept.

Audit financial performances, control capital expenditures for major investment, manage funds and lower financial risk.

Secretarial Dept.

Arrange meetings for Board of Directors and top management team to ensure smooth process of company strategy formulation. Formulating energy saving policy for Taipei Metro Building and continue to follow up on performance of energy saving project.

Audit Dept.

Audit and continued appraisal of internal control, assist in implementation and execution of internal control system by inspection and review to lower mistakes and prevent malpractice and raise operation efficiency in order to maximize profits for the Company as a whole.

Legal Dept.

Implement regulation compliance system including updating regulation changes, providing legal consultation, education training and onsite inspection of legal compliance. For violation, establish reporting channel and notify the Board, provide assistance for improvement and continue to track condition of improvement.

Shipping Dept.

In charge of importing, exporting and shipping. Require transportation carriers to comply with regulations and strive for green and low carbon emission in transportation.

Information Security Dept. / Information & Technology Center

Protect information safety, integration of resources and development of information system to provide efficient management tools for all departments.


Place resources in education, medicine, sports, environment, scientific innovation, arts and culture. Promote public interests by giving back to society and actively participate in related activities.

Land Development / FERD

In charge of property development, leasing, operation and management. Increase resources efficiency and build a sustainable park which is eco-friendly, green, energy-saving and smart.

Corporate Staff Office

Sustainability Team

There are 3 full time employees in charge of coordination of Sustainability Implementation Committee operation, implementation of corporate sustainability projects, integration of related information, results and performance report to top management team and the Board.


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