迎接氣候變遷挑戰 簽署支持TCFD
遠東新世紀長期致力於企業永續行動,為與世界尖端企業看齊,鼓勵企業共同為減緩氣候變遷尋找方法,本公司於2020年8月21日簽署支持「氣候相關財務揭露工作小組(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures,TCFD)」,累計至2020年12月底,全球已有近1,700家企業簽署支持,本公司為全台第26家企業、第1家簽署支持之化纖企業,此外,我們同步發表簽署宣言,為全台第1家發表簽署宣言之傳統產業製造業企業。
Far Eastern New Century Corporation
Climate change is the defining issue of our time with enormous impacts on the global environment, society and economy. FENC has long been committed to pursuing the vision of a circular economy, hoping that it can make some contribution to mitigate the impacts of climate change through bringing a diverse range of eco-friendly and low-carbon green products to the world.
The TCFD frameworks provided by FSB have been conducive to our clearer elaboration on how FENC has addressed and responded to the risks and opportunities posed by climate change, and thereby more transparent communication with all stakeholders. Based on such frameworks, FENC assessed the impacts of climate change on the company and crafted our climate change management strategy. It is our sincere hope that more like-minded companies will join us in our effort to create a more circular, sustainable and promising future.
- Far Eastern New Century Corporation